Do HydraFacials Work? A Step by Step Procedure

Do HydraFacials Work? A Step by Step Procedure

Have you ever asked yourself how Jennifer Lopez or Gwyneth Paltrow is ever glowing even in their 50s? Well, A-list celebrities often credit their radiant, impeccable skin to drinking lots of water, adequate sleep, nutrition and of course visiting the best dermatologist. It’s recommended that you visit the Dermatologist at Cliffside Park. So, what’s the real secret to getting your skin looking like Beyoncé?


HydraFacial works on all skin types. It is further reported that HydraFacial is essential for teenagers with acne and adults with wrinkles and pimples. HydraFacial is one of the most popular procedures in the world, not only because it’s a simple procedure, but also because it gives one a feel-good experience. Also, the 30-minute treatment improves the skin texture making it healthy and bright.

How Does HydraFacial Work?

The HydraFacial treatment removes dead skin cells from the surface of your face. Serums are then infused into the skin.

These are three steps involved in the HydraFacial treatment:

  1. Cleanse and Peel

It starts with skin exfoliation. The process of removing dead skin from the surface layer of the skin. It is believed to be advantageous to the skin, plus leaving the skin looking clearer, richer, unblocking openings, and with lasting use increases the production of collagen. This is what HydraFacial is all about. HydraFacial eradicates dirt and dead skin cells.

  1. Extract and Hydrate

This process gets the dirt out of pores and delivers topical moisturizers at the same time.

  1. Fuse and Protect

Your HydraFacial treatment will end with the use of special serums. They are used to help you get the skin you want, which includes: reducing wrinkles, eliminating dull skin, and dark spots. The treatment is fully created through serums, which is beneficial to users.

What’s the difference between a Microdermabrasion and a HydraFacial?

So, I know you’re probably asking don’t HydraFacial and Microdermabrasion do the same thing? The answer is No. Microdermabrasion uses manual extraction and can be slightly painful and uncomfortable for some people. This process involves spraying the skin with very small crystals to polish away the outer layer of dull, damaged skin cells. It’s harsh but very effective as well.

On the other hand, HydraFacials’ work on all skin tones (unlike Microdermabrasion), cleanse deeper into the skin than manual extraction, and there’s no pain. Plus, there’s no downtime at all. If you ask me which is my pick between the HydraFacial and Microdermabrasion, then I would pick the HydraFacial any day.

How Long Does a HydraFacial Take?

Each treatment takes about an hour and is highly customizable for all skin types and tones. Your dermatologist can help modify each treatment for your specific needs. Those with burns, rosacea, or rashes should avoid this procedure to prevent discomfort.

If you’re still unsure about taking a HydraFacial, there are other alternatives to getting that radiant skin but the one that’s right for you may depend on what your dermatologist offers. Learn more here:

Can Micro-needling help me eliminate Acne Scars?

Can Micro-needling help me eliminate Acne Scars?

Micro-needling is a non-invasive and secure way to eliminate acne scars, stretch marks, wrinkles, fine lines, and other skin issues. It is also known as Percutaneous Collagen Induction. This type of treatment motivates your skin`s self reconstruction and rejuvenation. This treatment is available for most people no matter the skin color or skin type.  You can contact a dermatologist Cliffside Park residents recommend to verify if you are eligible for this treatment. There are many causes of skin damage such as aging, sun damage, and many others that may cause your skin to lose its natural elasticity and appearance. Micro-needling can help you recover the appearance of your skin.

Micro-needling Procedure

The procedure is fast and simple. It involves using a needle pen that will puncture your skin several times. These small injuries will cause your skin to rejuvenate itself and produce collagen that will make your skin feel much healthier. The pain is bearable but you can request numbing cream if you think that you won’t be able to handle the puncturing.  There are many types of micro-needling such as pens that can be used for this procedure. Technology is improving the technique each day. The risks and side effects are minimal. You can expect a little bruising, redness, or swelling but nothing too complicated. Downtime is not required because it is a non-surgical procedure.

This treatment can be used with hyaluronic serums that will increase the effectiveness of the rejuvenation process and improve the results of the treatment. You will need a couple of treatments to reach the results you desire.

Benefits of Micro-needling

The results will amaze you and your skin will look much younger, the elasticity of your skin will increase and you will feel much healthier. When your skin starts healing it will produce collagen that helps restore your skin’s natural appearance. Collagen is a protein that is essential for your skin’s recovery. Your skin will start going through a natural process of recovery without eliminating any layers of skin. You can go back to your daily activities without a problem. Is it worth it? Of course. Take advantage of this innovative treatment.

Which Areas of your Body are eligible for Micro-needling?

There are many areas of your body that can receive this type of treatment. Your face is the main area that micro-needling is recommended for. You will be able to treat scars, wrinkles, crow eyes, and many other areas. This treatment is great to reduce stretch marks on your legs, abdomen, upper arms, thighs, buttocks, among other areas that need skin regeneration.

It is important that your skin does not have any current skin lesions or infections. It is necessary for your skin to heal first before receiving any type of skin treatment.  For more details about this wonderful treatment, you can visit our website There are more details about micro-needling and you can request more information on the price and costs of this beauty treatment.

Skin Dangers at the Beach

Skin Dangers at the Beach

Traveling abroad and going to the beach are exciting and relaxing situations.  It is also great that we can take our pets with us on vacation. Are you aware of the skin dangers that you might be exposed to? There are many situations that can happen to your skin such as skin burns, infections, and many others. This article will give you the example of one skin danger at the beach you have to be careful about. If you have any skin issues after a trip, it is essential to visit a dermatologist Cliffside Park residents can trust.

A Nightmare Vacation

Here is an anecdote of a patient who traveled to the Caribbean with her dog. She returned back home with a rash on her foot. She had visited a couple of doctors before she finally decided to visit the dermatologist. A couple of diagnostics included eczema and also a bacterial infection. After following the treatments step by step, nothing seemed to work. It just got worse and the itching was becoming unbearable.

The final diagnosis wasn’t any of the previous ones, it was a parasitic infection that is not common in humans. We asked the patient how did her dog enjoy the trip and she was surprised that we knew that she took her dog with her.  This parasitic infection is very common for people who go to the beach and walk barefoot. Public beaches have all sorts of animals walking around and leaving poop on the sand. Then sand covers it and nobody can usually see it. Then they just step on it and get infected. This parasitic infection is known as Cutaneous Larva Migrans.

Cutaneous Larva Migrans CLM

This parasitic infection commonly occurs in areas of Central and South America, The Caribbean, Asia, and Africa. It is also called the “Creeping Eruption”. The feces of animals left on the beach have eggs that develop into larvae. The larvae enter the skin and the hookworm leaves a trace. Then the symptoms appear such as itchiness and the skin changes color into a reddish-brown color. Scratching too much might cause a bacterial infection. This might mislead the doctors but the correct diagnosis and treatment will do the trick. It isn’t harmful to humans but can be deadly for pets. The hookworm can reach the lungs or other important parts of your pets’ body.  I also recommended taking her dog to the vet to get checked. It is better to be safe than sorry. 

A nice vacation can become stressful and a little scary. Always wear shoes if you go to the beach to protect your feet. This is just a precaution, but there are many more situations that can occur at the beach. It is always advisable to investigate a little bit, wear sunscreen and proper clothes or shoes. 

For more interesting skin related articles visit Taking care of your skin is essential for a healthy and young appearance. We are skin experts. 

Misconceptions about Acne Treatment

Misconceptions about Acne Treatment

1.  Greasy Foods:  There is very little data to support the idea that oily foods like pizza and fries have an impact on your skin.  While it’s generally a good idea to eat healthily, everything you eat gets broken down by your digestive system and does not impact oil production in your face.

2.  Spot treatments:  while it may be tempting to use one of those zit patches, spot treatments generally don’t work well for acne.  Acne is a chronic inflammatory disease of your hair follicles, and it’s much better to use creams applied to the entire face to prevent *future* breakouts.  If you’ve got a troublesome pimple, you could always get a small cortisone injection to calm it down, but I would reserve this for acne emergencies only.

3.  Acne creams work right away.  Most creams, especially retinoids like adapalene or tretinoin can take months to change how your skin grows to stop making acne.  Be patient and discuss your concerns with your dermatologist.  Thanks to modern medicine there are now so many wonderful acne treatments available so you don’t have to suffer for too much longer 😉.

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Is Your Acne Rosacea?

Is Your Acne Rosacea?

There are various types of skin conditions that we can get from time to time; among them, acne and rosacea are two of the most common. Unfortunately, these two conditions are often mistaken for one another; adding to this confusion is the fact that subtype 2 rosacea has often been referred to as “acne rosacea” through the years.  You might have red bumps on your face that could be acne or rosacea, but how can you tell which one it is? Cliffside Park dermatology center and the following tips can help.

Examine Your Bumps Closely

A lot of people think that rosacea is only identifiable by a red flush but that is not the case; in fact, subtype 2 rosacea often leads to red bumps that are painful and resemble acne. In order to determine whether this is rosacea or acne is to look for comedones which can be open or closed. Comedones are visibly clogged pores that are not inflamed at all so they are not swollen, painful, or even red, distinguishing them to a great degree form rosacea. An open comedone is basically a blackhead or a pore filled with a small black dot; whereas, a closed comedone, on the other hand, is typically white in the middle with a layer of skin over the top. If you see comedones, it is most like acne. Although, it can be much more difficult to figure out which of the two conditions you have if you are showing bumps that are inflamed since they can be caused by both conditions.

What Are Your Triggers?

Knowing your triggers can help you to determine what you are dealing with. Although rosacea triggers are different from person to person, some of the most common things that they include are sunlight, heat, cold, stress, strong emotions, alcohol, hot beverages, and spicy foods. You will want to avoid rough skin-care products to treat rosacea since your skin will be especially sensitive and it causes more severe flare-ups. Some common triggers for acne include hormonal fluctuations, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. Certain medications and hormone-replacement therapy are also known to lead to acne. One way to distinguish both types of triggers is to keep in mind that triggers for rosacea tend to be external, whereas triggers for acne tend to be internal.

Your Age Matters

Anyone who has ever had acne during puberty knows that your age has a lot to do with it. The thing is that your hormonal changes cause it to happen. Rosea, on the other hand, tends to happen after age 30. Another thing to consider is that acne can surface anywhere on your body but Rosea usually appears on the center of an individual’s face. To further complicate matters, you can have both at the same time!

Overlapping Treatments

We know that some of the symptoms that you are experiencing might point to Rosacea while others point to acne because this is not uncommon at all. Your dermatologist will be your best ally when it comes to properly treat what you are actually dealing with. You might be amazed to find out that treatments for both conditions often overlap. For example, azelaic acid can be utilized for the effective treatment of both acne and rosacea.

Change Your Behavior

If you cannot determine exactly what triggers your rosacea or acne, your dermatologist should be able to help you. Once you know your triggers, you can modify your behavior so that you experience fewer flare-ups. Do not expect immediate results but as you continue with your new behavior this should help considerably. Your dermatologist can also suggest preventative, over-the-counter products that can help you to better manage flare-ups. In the end, you should be able to avoid both rosacea and acne to a greater extent than before. If, for any reason, it does not work out that way, remember that you can always go back to your dermatologist for more help. You have to be patient because finding exactly what works for you can take some time, but you will get there!

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3 Tips to Combat Dry Skin

3 Tips to Combat Dry Skin:

1. Use creams or ointments instead of lotion. Lotions are alcohol-based, and if your skin is already dry, they won’t work as enough of a barrier to help your skin combat dryness.

2. Only use soap on the smelly parts. Soap is naturally basic, and your skin is naturally acidic. Soap is irritating to skin, and there is no need to lather your entire body, especially if you are dry.

3. Apply cream immediately after the shower. The best time to apply cream is right after the shower. When wet, your skin actually absorbs some of that moisture. Applying a cream right after bathing locks that moisture in, keeping your skin nice and moist, instead of ashy cracked and dry.

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